米漢M5 1/5 EP MOTORRACE 遙控電動摩托車(全套RTR PRO無刷版)黃色

商品貨號: ECS003299
商品品牌: 米漢
市場價格: $14400元
本店售價: $12000元
備  註:

 {Download M5 Motorace Setup Sheet}

The ultimate true scale electric motorcycle
on Racing Track!

 Fully innovation scale motorcycle, with many of
good features as narrow chassis of high capacity,
of light weight but strong, of superior and centralize low CG, etc. All of these features enable the bike
rides with great flexibility and available to lean and
go through any maximum curve. The Front Suspe-
nsion Adjustable & Angle changeable System (FAS(Patent Pending)) give a very quick reaponse to
bike for its in or out of  the corner steering. The balanced & fast Anderson Gyro Stable System
(AGSS (Patent Pending)) keeps the bike always
riding in its good stability and easy to upright
while the bike was declined.




RTR w/Radio, ESC, Motor
ARR w/540 Motor
RTR - PRO w/Radio, Brushless ESC & Motor
ARR - PRO w/Brushless Motor 3800KV



1、Special designed high rigidity light chassis.

2、Front Suspension Adjustable & angle changeable system.

3、The ultimate in scale realism.

4、Metal chain drive system.

5、Balanced front air shocks system.

6、Big volume adjustable rear oil shock.

 7、Universal battery box.

8、High grip one way scale tire.

9、Oil Steering dampers rod set.

10、Scale body.

11、Scale rider.

12、Narrow chassis.


13、With balanced & fast (AGSS(Patent Pending)) Anderson Gyro Stable System.

14、Side support pulley set.

15、Full ball bearing.

16、A good model with easy control, easy adjustment and easy maintenance. Suitable for both beginner and pro-racer.


