1/5 精裝版 電動競速機車車身套件 全新產品 首次到貨
專為競技行家 遙控老手量身訂製 車身重要零件全部升級為改裝品
套件版本 滿足行家們不假手他人 自行組裝 調教的需求
車身本體 設計成多重調教選擇 可依賽道變化 個人喜好 快速設定 跑出最佳性能
需自備:遙控設備 馬達 電變 電池 等等
The ultimate true scale electric motorcycle
on Racing Track!
Fully innovation scale motorcycle, with many of
good features as narrow chassis of high capacity,
of light weight but strong, of superior and centralize low CG, etc. All of these features enable the bike
rides with great flexibility and available to lean and
go through any maximum curve. The Front Suspe-
nsion Adjustable & Angle changeable System (FAS(Patent Pending)) give a very quick reaponse to
bike for its in or out of the corner steering. The balanced & fast Anderson Gyro Stable System
(AGSS (Patent Pending)) keeps the bike always
riding in its good stability and easy to upright
while the bike was declined.
A good model with easy control, easy adjustment and easy maintenance. Suitable for both beginner and pro-racer
影片欣賞 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWZgAfaNGIc