TAMIYA田宮 PANTHER IV J 1/16美洲豹四號遙控坦克車身套件(含聲光/電動機件)
需自備:遙控設備 電池 充電器 套件車 需自行組裝 影片欣賞 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfI7rdS11MU
Following the Jagdpanther tank destroyer, Tamiya is further expanding the 1/16 scale R/C tank lineup with the Panzer IV Ausf.J. This widely-used medium tank would look fantastic alongside the previously released Tiger I, King Tiger, Panther, and Jagdpanther tanks.
About the Panzer IV Ausf.J
The Panzer IV was the workhorse of the German army and remained in production throughout the entire war thanks to constant improvements. Due to its low cost and high reliability, production of the Panzer IV continued even after more effective tanks like the Panther entered service. The last of the series, the Ausf.J, was armed with an L/48 75mm gun and less components to simplify construction.
About the Model